<wininfo> : Retrieve Information About Window
This command retrieves information about required window. After the command is processed, required information is saved in following system variables:
_vWinRectX1 - X position of
upper left corner of the window in screen coordinates
_vWinRectY1 - Y position of upper left corner of the window in
screen coordinates
_vWinRectX2 - X position of lower right corner of the
window in screen coordinates
_vWinRectY2 - Y position of lower right corner of the
window in screen coordinates
_vWinWdt - windowÆs width
_vWinHgt - windowÆs height
_vWinTitle - window title
_vWinClass - window class
_vWinState - window state (MIN, RESTORE, MAX, HIDDEN)
_vWinActive - YES, if window is active (on top receiving
keyboard input), otherwise NO
_vWinHWND - HWND of the window
<wininfo>("WinTitleOrHWND", "Unused", Match)
Title of the window to activate or HWND. HWND is a unique handle
Windows internally uses to identify each window. The HWND can be retrieved
by some commands (<wininfo>, <win_enumerate>) or is provided by some system
variables (_vKeybdFocusWindow_HWND, _vActiveWindow_HWND, _vActiveWindowPrev_HWND).
Must be empty.
Takes effect only if a window title is used as WinTitleOrHWND
parameter. Can be one of these values:
0 - WinTitle can be substring of a window title
1 - WinTitle must exactly match a window title
<#> This macro retrieves information about "Notepad"
<msg>(-100,-100,"Window information:
<msg>(100,100,"'Notepad' is not opened!","Message",1)